
Wednesday 13 December 2017

Indian gooseberry benefit

Indian gooseberry benefit

 in nature •  19 days ago
Amalaki kind of herbs. Its name in Sanskrit is 'Amalika'. The English name 'aamla' or 'Indian gooseberry'.Sweet taste comes at the end after eating the taste, but after eating. Amalki has many herbal qualities.Amlokee contains plenty of Vitamin C.
amalika (amalika)
in Maithili Dhatric (dhatrika)
Hindi language amla (amala]]
in Gujarati, amla (amalam)
Urdu language aavnlaa (awla)
Marathi language avala (avala)
Garo language ambare (amabare)
kannkani in avalo (avalo)
Mijo in sunhlu
Nepali language and amala (amala)
in Bengali amloki (myrobalan)
Oriya language anlaa (amla),
Chittagong in "alati" in Oriya
Punjabi language Aula (aula) in Punjabi
Malayalam language nellikka (nellikka) in Malayalam-
Manipuri language and heikru in Manipuri
Arabic halilaj -d'or ihlilaj (ahlylj hlylj) in Arabic.neli.jpg
Amloki trees are found in Bangladesh , India , Sri Lanka , Myanmar , Malaysia and China.indian-gooseberry-337445_960_720.jpg
Amalki tree can be 8 to 18 meters high, leaves fall in nature. The light green leaf, the sheet of composite sheet is small, one-in-one inches long. The light green wife and malefactor hold on the same tree. The result is light green or yellow and round diameter is less than 1/2 inches. The wood is dark red or brown in red. It is seen in almost all areas of Bangladesh. The tree yields fruit by 4/5 years old. Results are available till August - November. Seed is bred with amalakira. Proper time for planting during rainy season.
Amalaki is one of the best fruits of our country. By eating ambulki many diseases are cured. The quality of this fruit is nectar-so it is called amritra. It is beneficial to the mother in the ministry, so it is also called midwifery. Cheaper at Amlaki prices By consuming just one ammunition daily, we can meet the needs of our daily Vitamin C. After collecting from the tree, its vitamin C was gradually being eroded. So amalaki must be fresh to eat. Amulki keeps the body cold, plays a role in the formation of blood, flesh and bone. Amulki is especially useful for the eyes. What is available in the 100 grams below is given below: 100 grams per 100 liters in Amalakki 1) Water- 91.4 grams, 2) Mineral -0.7 grams, 3) Protein-0.9 grams, 4) Calcium-34 0 mg, 5) Iron - 1.2 mg, 6) Vitamin B1-10.02 mg, 7) Vitamin B220.08 mg, 8) Vitamin C-463 mg. Amalike is 2.5 times greater than pearl, 10 times more than america, 11 times more than orange,5 times more than all the fruits, twice as many times as 100 times greater than the number of spoons.
Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants in Amlikki, which helps prevent free radicals. These free radicals are one of the reasons for aging and cell disorder. So in a word, Amlaki will help you maintain your youth. - Amalaki skin, hair and eyes are very beneficial for keeping well. Protects from fever, indigestion, sunburn, sunburst. Keeps cold in the body, increases the efficiency of the body, strengthens the muscles of the muscles. Increased density of bacterial hair increases. However, kidney patients are prevented from eating. But you can eat according to the doctor's advice.

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